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Omega Investment Co., Ltd.

Hamee (Company note – Q1 update)

Share price (10/11) ¥1,043 Dividend Yield (25/4 CE) 2.2 %
52weeks high/low ¥830/1,425 ROE(24/4) 11.9 %
Avg Vol (3 month)  45 thou shrs Operating margin (24/4) 10.9 %
Market Cap ¥17.0 bn Beta (5Y Monthly) 1.3
Enterprise Value ¥14.9 bn Shares Outstanding 16.3 mn shrs
PER (25/4 CE) 12.2 X Listed market TSE Standard
PBR (24/4 act) 1.7 X    
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Net sales and operating income increased sharply in the first quarter, and the Company got off to a good start in line with its plan.
Expectations for the second half of the year are high.

Q1 FY04/2025 financial highlights Double-digit increases in net sales and operating income, as expected

Hamee (hereafter referred to as the Company) announced its Q1 FY04/2025 results on September 13, 2024. Although ordinary income was down slightly YoY, net sales and operating income increased sharply, and quarterly net income attributable to owner of parent returned to profitability. The Company stated that the results were largely in line with its plan (however, as discussed later, they are biased toward the year’s second half).

Specifically, net sales were JPY 4.57 billion (+38% YoY), operating income was JPY 223 million (+28% YoY), ordinary income was JPY 196 million (-3% YoY), and quarterly net income attributable to owner of parent was JPY 101 million (compared to a loss of JPY 132 million in the same quarter of the previous fiscal year).

By segment, the Commerce Segment saw an increase in revenue but a decrease in profit, while the Platform Segment saw an increase in both revenue and profit. Overall, the results were positive.

In the Commerce Segment, the Cosmetics Business, which is growing rapidly, saw a significant increase in revenue, and the segment has been operating profitably for two consecutive quarters. The Gaming Accessories Business is also growing rapidly and has been operating profitably for three straight quarters. The Company has also invested in the Mobile Life Business and other areas. The big picture is that the Company is creating a structure in which multiple businesses drive the growth of the segment as a whole in a well-balanced way. Although profits decreased, overall, the content of the results is positive.

Sales increased by 15% in the Platform Business, and the operating income margin improved to 53.6%. In the mainstay NextEngine Business, the Company stated that it felt that the EC market had entered a growth trajectory again after a period of consumption of experience. The fact that the Company has continued to achieve good results due to an increase in the number of transactions handled by major clients and an increase in ARPU due to the effect of the fee revision in November last year is positive. However, although the number of clients has increased and the churn rate has fallen, there are still issues to be addressed regarding increasing the number of clients and the number of orders received.

The main reason for the decrease in ordinary income despite the increased operating income was the impact of foreign exchange losses. In addition, the main reason for the return to profitability in quarterly net income was the decrease in income taxes deferred.

On the balance sheet, merchandise (inventory) and other current assets increased by JPY 1.3 billion compared to the end of the previous fiscal year. This was covered by a JPY 1.1 billion increase in short-term loans and a decrease in cash and other equivalents.

Full-year forecast: No change in the initial guidance

There are no changes to the full-year earnings forecast or dividend. Net sales of JPY 19.74 billion (+12% YoY), operating income of JPY 2.08 billion (+8% YoY), ordinary income of JPY 2.05 billion (+1% YoY), net income attributable to owners of parent of JPY 1.36 billion (+21% YoY), net profit per share of JPY 83.69, dividend per share of JPY 22.50 (unchanged YoY).

There are no changes to the plan for reorganization (a share-distribution-type spin-off of NE, which will take charge of the Platform Segment and listing of NE) by 2025.

Stock Price Trends and Points to Watch in the Future

After the announcement of the full-year results in June, the share price generally remained in the JPY 1000-1200 range, except for a sharp drop in early August. However, following the announcement of the Q1 results, the share price has fallen to the JPY 1000 level. This is thought to be because the Company’s earnings are biased towards the second half in the Commerce and Platform segments. It is difficult to estimate the likelihood of achieving full-year results based on Q1 results alone (the progress ratio of Q1 results to the full-year forecast is 23% for net sales but only around 10% for operating income). It also appears to be affected by the fact that the overall sentiment of the stock market has calmed down.

On the other hand, the valuation is PER of 12 based on the Company’s forecast EPS and PBR of 1.6. As the likelihood of achieving the full-year company forecast increases and the path to a fair evaluation of the value of the two segments through the planned company reorganization becomes clear, there will likely be significant room for the share price to be re-evaluated.

The main points to watch for are (1) whether earnings will continue to grow steadily from the second quarter onwards, increasing the likelihood of achieving the full-year forecast; (2) whether the Commerce Segment will establish a structure that will enable multiple businesses to achieve stable growth for the segment as a whole, with the Mobile Life Business, the Cosmetics Business, and the Gaming Accessories Business all making steady contributions to profits; (3) In the Platform segment, with the recovery of the EC market as a tailwind, will it be possible to steadily increase the number of orders processed and APRU, strengthen the Company’s position as an EC platform provider, and maintain or further improve profitability? ; (4) whether the contribution to earnings from the Global Business and the Encer mall Business will increase, and (5) the realization of the reorganization plan.

As a precedent for the share-distribution-type spin-off of NE and the listing of NE, which the Company is promoting, Melco Holdings (TYO: 6676) is planning to conduct a share-distribution-type spin-off of its subsidiary Shimadaya and list it on October 1 (TYO: 250A). If this listing is successful, there will be renewed interest in the Company’s reorganization plans and business value.

Company profile

Hamee Corp. (hereafter referred to as the Company) was founded in 1997, went public on the TSE Mothers in 2015 and is currently listed on the Standard Market. The Company operates through the Spin-off of two segments. The Commerce Segment, which includes the Mobile Life Business, the Gaming Accessories Business, the Cosmetics Business, and the Global Business. The Platform Segment is mainly engaged in the provision of cloud-based (SaaS) EC Attractions “NextEngine”, which automates operations related to online shop management and enables cross-mall, multi-store order processing and centralized inventory management.

The Company is planning a reorganization by 2025. It plans to conduct a share-distribution-type spin-off of NE Inc., which is in charge of the Platform Segment, and list NE Inc. on the stock exchange. This series of reorganizations aims to avoid the conglomerate discount, efficiently operate each of the two segments, and appropriately and timely reflect the value of each business in the share price.

Key financial data

Unit: million yen 2020/04 2021/04 2022/04 2023/04 2024/04 2025/04
Sales 11,325 12,363 13,413 14,038 17,612 19,745
EBIT (Operating Income) 1,745 2,180 2,202 1,251 1,964  
Pretax Income 1,582 2,144 2,463 1,396 2,009 2,051
Net Profit Attributable to Owner of Parent 1,069 1,556 1,744 945 1,122 1,362
Cash & Short-Term Investments 3,453 3,355 4,026 3,536 4,022  
Total assets 8,097 8,342 10,524 12,392 14,885  
Total Debt 2,327 2,327 2,327 2,327 2,327  
Net Debt -1,694 -1,694 -1,694 -1,694 -1,694  
Total liabilities 3,272 1,814 2,271 3,431 4,728  
Total Shareholders’ Equity 10,157 10,157 10,157 10,157 10,157  
Net Operating Cash Flow 1,934 1,941 1,186 695 886  
Capital Expenditure 477 477 477 477 477  
Net Investing Cash Flow -1,020 -412 -886 -1,507 -877  
Net Financing Cash Flow 933 -1,736 298 263 380  
Free Cash Flow 577 577 577 577 577  
ROA (%) 15.43 18.94 18.49 8.25 8.22  
ROE (%) 23.73 27.42 23.60 10.98 11.73  
EPS (Yen) 67.4 98.4 109.7 59.4 70.4  
BPS (Yen) 305.5 411.1 519.1 563.0 637.6  
Dividend per Share (Yen) 7.00 10.00 22.50 22.50 22.50  
Shares Outstanding (Million Shares) 16.10 16.21 16.27 16.27 16.28  

Source: Omega Investment from company data, rounded to the nearest whole number.


Share price


Overview of Q1 FY04/2025

Overview of Company-wide Performance

Source: Company material

Source: Company material

Source: Company material

Overview of the Commerce Segment

Source: Company material

Source: Company material

Overview of the Platform Segment

Source: Company material

Source: Company material

Seasonal factors in business performance, which are biased toward the latter half of the fiscal year

Source: Company material

Financial data (quarterly basis)

Unit: million yen 2023/04 2024/04 2025/04
  Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1
(Income Statement)                  
Sales 3,106 3,527 3,909 3,496 3,317 4,315 5,151 4,829 4,579
Year-on-year 18.7% 5.9% -3.0% 1.8% 6.8% 22.3% 31.8% 38.1% 38.1%
Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) 1,208 1,428 1,410 1,517 1,279 1,631 1,858 1,977 1,841
Gross Income 1,898 2,100 2,499 1,979 2,038 2,684 3,293 2,852 2,738
Gross Income Margin 61.1% 59.5% 63.9% 56.6% 61.4% 62.2% 63.9% 59.1% 59.8%
SG&A Expense 1,650 1,774 1,903 1,894 1,863 2,224 2,565 2,306 2,505
EBIT (Operating Income) 248 326 595 85 187 470 756 551 233
Year-on-year -24.3% -59.6% -19.5% -74.0% -24.8% 44.1% 27.0% 545.8% 24.7%
Operating Income Margin 8.0% 9.2% 15.2% 2.4% 5.6% 10.9% 14.7% 11.4% 5.1%
EBITDA 373 618 724 332 377 670 953 749 435
Pretax Income 297 439 485 174 205 492 737 576 200
Consolidated Net Income 207 288 320 130 -133 334 492 428 101
Minority Interest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Net Income ATOP 207 288 320 130 -133 334 492 428 101
Year-on-year -18.7% -58.2% -36.6% -55.8% -164.0% 16.1% 53.6% 228.4% -176.6%
Net Income Margin 6.7% 8.2% 8.2% 3.7% -4.0% 7.8% 9.5% 8.9% 2.2%
(Balance Sheet)                  
Cash & Short-Term Investments 3,320 3,468 3,396 3,536 3,176 2,983 3,430 4,022 3,642
Total assets 10,457 11,442 12,374 12,392 12,350 13,197 14,210 14,885 15,295
Total Debt 532 1,020 1,008 1,300 1,700 1,650 1,928 2,327 3,232
Net Debt -2,788 -2,448 -2,388 -2,236 -1,476 -1,333 -1,502 -1,694 -410
Total liabilities 2,170 2,998 3,460 3,431 3,608 4,040 4,566 4,728 5,242
Total Shareholders’ Equity 8,288 8,444 8,914 8,961 8,742 9,156 9,644 10,157 10,053
(Profitability %)                  
ROA 18.32 12.09 9.64 8.25 5.31 5.29 6.20 8.22 9.81
ROE 22.75 16.52 13.26 10.98 7.12 7.41 8.88 11.73 14.43
(Per-share) Unit: JPY                  
EPS 13.0 18.1 20.1 8.2 -8.3 21.0 30.9 26.9 6.4
BPS 521.3 530.9 560.4 563.0 549.2 575.0 605.6 637.6 630.7
Dividend per Share 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50
Shares Outstanding
(Million Shares)
16.27 16.27 16.27 16.28 16.28 16.28 16.28 16.28 16.29

Source: Omega Investment from company materials

Financial data (full-year basis)

Unit: million yen 2016/04 2017/04 2018/04 2019/04 2020/04 2021/04 2022/04 2023/04 2024/04
(Income Statement)                  
Sales 6,500 8,503 9,379 10,300 11,325 12,363 13,413 14,038 17,612
Year-on-year 14.9% 30.8% 10.3% 9.8% 10.0% 9.2% 8.5% 4.7% 25.5%
Cost of Goods Sold 3,816 4,485 4,618 5,056 4,894 4,802 4,892 5,563 6,745
Gross Income 2,684 4,018 4,761 5,244 6,431 7,562 8,522 8,476 10,867
Gross Income Margin 41.3% 47.3% 50.8% 50.9% 56.8% 61.2% 63.5% 60.4% 61.7%
SG&A Expense 2,237 2,916 3,381 4,080 4,686 5,382 6,319 7,225 8,959
EBIT (Operating Income) 447 1,102 1,380 1,164 1,745 2,180 2,202 1,251 1,964
Year-on-year 32.8% 146.8% 25.2% -15.7% 50.0% 24.9% 1.0% -43.2% 57.0%
Operating Income Margin 6.9% 13.0% 14.7% 11.3% 15.4% 17.6% 16.4% 8.9% 11.1%
EBITDA 521 1,272 1,627 1,525 2,227 2,694 2,840 2,042 2,749
Pretax Income 426 1,010 1,259 1,179 1,582 2,144 2,463 1,396 2,009
Consolidated Net Income 258 696 873 821 1,069 1,556 1,744 945 1,122
Minority Interest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Net Income ATOP 258 696 873 821 1,069 1,556 1,744 945 1,122
Year-on-year 33.8% 169.7% 25.4% -5.9% 30.2% 45.5% 12.0% -45.8% 18.6%
Net Income Margin 4.0% 8.2% 9.3% 8.0% 9.4% 12.6% 13.0% 6.7% 6.4%
(Balance Sheet)                  
Cash & Short-Term Investments 1,103 1,324 1,695 1,660 3,453 3,355 4,026 3,536 4,022
Total assets 3,016 4,240 5,042 5,761 8,097 8,342 10,524 12,392 14,885
Total Debt 383 468 298 500 1,740 104 544 1,300 2,327
Net Debt -720 -856 -1,397 -1,160 -1,713 -3,251 -3,482 -2,236 -1,694
Total liabilities 1,022 1,484 1,445 1,572 3,272 1,814 2,271 3,431 4,728
Total Shareholders’ Equity 1,994 2,756 3,597 4,189 4,824 6,528 8,253 8,961 10,157
(Cash Flow)                  
Net Operating Cash Flow 71 576 1,246 651 1,934 1,941 1,186 695 886
Capital Expenditure 189 228 437 291 649 351 1,018 487 477
Net Investing Cash Flow -263 -433 -674 -671 -1,020 -412 -886 -1,507 -877
Net Financing Cash Flow -139 69 -230 -7 933 -1,736 298 263 380
Free Cash Flow 52 464 960 526 1,440 1,760 362 405 577
(Profitability %)                  
ROA 8.71 19.18 18.81 15.21 15.43 18.94 18.49 8.25 8.22
ROE 13.83 29.30 27.48 21.10 23.73 27.42 23.60 10.98 11.73
Net Profit Margin 3.97 8.18 9.31 7.97 9.44 12.59 13.00 6.73 6.37
Asset Turnover 2.19 2.34 2.02 1.91 1.63 1.50 1.42 1.23 1.29
Financial Leverage 1.59 1.53 1.46 1.39 1.54 1.45 1.28 1.33 1.43
(Per-share) Unit: JPY                  
EPS 16.6 44.2 54.7 51.2 67.4 98.4 109.7 59.4 70.4
BPS 127.2 174.0 224.1 263.0 305.5 411.1 519.1 563.0 637.6
Dividend per Share 1.50 4.50 5.50 6.50 7.00 10.00 22.50 22.50 22.50
Shares Outstanding
(Million Shares)
15.55 15.74 15.94 16.08 16.10 16.21 16.27 16.27 16.28

Source: Omega Investment from company materials