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Omega Investment Co., Ltd.

Sportsfield (Company note – 2Q update)

Share price (9/19) ¥603 Dividend Yield (24/12 CE) 2.6 %
52weeks high/low ¥571/923 ROE(23/12 act) 56.1 %
Avg Vol (3 month)  55 thou shrs Operating margin (23/12) 25.4 %
Market Cap ¥4.4 bn Beta (5Y Monthly) 1.3
Enterprise Value ¥2.7 bn Shares Outstanding 7.37 mn shrs
PER (24/12 CE) 7.5 X Listed market TSE Growth
PBR (23/12 act) 2.7 X    
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2Q results for FY12/2024 show an increase in revenues and a decrease in profits. Expect a turnaround in the second half of the year.

◇ 2Q FY12/2024 financial highlights

In the 2Q results (cumulative) for FY12/2024 announced by Sportsfield on 9 August 2024, net sales were 2.05 billion yen (+8% YoY), operating profit was 560 million yen (-9% YoY), ordinary profit was 560 million yen (-9% YoY), and net profit attributable to owner of the parent was 360 million yen (-10% YoY). In 2Q (Apr-Jun), sales were 950 million yen (-1% YoY), operating profit was 160 million yen (-46% YoY), and ordinary profit was 160 million yen (-47% YoY), struggling to advance vis-a-vis 1Q.

Firstly, to summarise the positive factors, the company’s total sales for the first half of the year and its main businesses – New Graduate Events, New Graduate Placement Support and Graduate Placement Support – all reached record highs, and although ordinary profit fell, the ordinary profit margin on sales was 27.6%, which is in the mid-20% range, which is the company’s target level. Profits, on the other hand, unfortunately declined. This was due, firstly, to sluggish sales growth in the New Graduate Placement Support business (due to slow growth in the number of unique student introductions for the mainstay Sponavi and a YoY decline in its closing ratio; although this has been supported to a certain extent by Spochalle). The second factor was increased personnel costs due to new graduate and mid-career hires and increased performance-linked bonuses. Staff augmentation and appropriate remuneration payments are essential for continued internal growth. The key question is sales; we expect sales in New Graduate Placement Support business to pick up firmly. It should be noted that sales in the New Graduate Events and Graduate Placement Support businesses are in line with expectations, which is a reassuring sign.

◇ Full-year company forecasts
The company’s forecasts for FY2024 remain unchanged from those at the beginning of the year. The company forecasts sales of 3.74 billion (+9% YoY), operating profit of 0.90 billion yen (+3% YoY), ordinary profit of 0.90 billion yen (+3% YoY) and net profit attributable to owner of the parent of 0.58 billion yen (-3% YoY).

Looking at the progress ratio of H1 results to full-year results and forecasts, 54.8% of sales estimate (55.3% in the previous year; similarly below), 63.0% of operating profit target (72.3%) and 62.9% of ordinary profit estimate (72.3%), so a turnaround of profits is critical.

◇ Decision on share buyback
The company decided on 20 August to buy back its shares. The maximum number of shares to be repurchased is 185,000 (2.5% of outstanding shares), the total amount to be repurchased is up to 100 million yen, the repurchase period is from 21 August 2024 to 31 October 2024, and the shares will be purchased on the market.

◇ Share price trends and future points of interest
The share price has been in a box range of approximately 600-900 yen since 2023, but the company’s share price temporarily fell to 575 yen as the overall stock market plunged on 2 and 5 August. Although the stock market has since rebounded, the company’s share price hit a yearly low of 571 yen on 15 August in response to the latest results. Although the share price has recently recovered to the high 600 yen range, partly due to the above-mentioned share buyback announcement, it has not kept pace with the stock market’s recovery as a whole.

The first point to watch going forward is the certainty of the forecasts for the current year. In the 3Q, sales of the New Graduate Placement Support business for new graduates are usually the key, and in the 4Q, sales of the New Graduate Events business are the key, so the key point is whether these businesses will grow as expected. For the latter, orders for New Graduate Events in March 2026, which are performing well, will provide a tailwind. Labour productivity and overall cost control will be one of the key points to watch.

Second, KPIs build up towards FY12/2025. According to the financial results, the cumulative number of students registered on Sponavi and others for students graduating in March 2026 and the cumulative number of students registered on Sponchalle have exceeded the progress during FY3/2025. The number of registrations for Sponavi Career and Spochare job changes is also steady, and we expect further upside in these.

Finally, the forthcoming new medium-term management plan. The period of the current medium-term management plan ends with the current financial year, and we look forward to the contents of the new medium-term management plan, which is expected to be disclosed when the 4Q results are announced. The contents of the measures to expand business, increase market capitalisation and improve share liquidity, which are necessary to aim for the prime market, will be a focus of attention.

Company profile

Sportsfield Co., Ltd. operates placement services for student-athletic teams and students with sports experience and placement services for these sports human capital graduates. The company’s main businesses are New Graduate Events, New Graduate Placement Support and Graduate Placement Support. The new graduate business is characterised by the detailed support provided by the company’s employees to registered students. Financially, the company has achieved growth while maintaining a high operating margin and return on equity.

Key financial data

Unit: million yen 2019/12 2020/12 2021/12 2022/12 2023/12 2024/12
Sales 1,918 1,883 2,130 2,866 3,418 3,749
EBIT (Operating Income) 194 16 -32 637 870 903
Pretax Income 192 32 -81 634 869 902
Net Profit Attributable to Owner of Parent 133 17 -79 412 608 586
Cash & Short-Term Investments 696 972 976 1,458 1,467  
Total assets 1,114 1,501 1,551 2,136 2,323  
Total Debt 259 259 259 259 259  
Net Debt -1,208 -1,208 -1,208 -1,208 -1,208  
Total liabilities 684 1,054 1,183 1,356 934  
Total Shareholders’ Equity 1,389 1,389 1,389 1,389 1,389  
Net Operating Cash Flow 198 -89 54 610 449  
Capital Expenditure 53 53 53 53 53  
Net Investing Cash Flow -25 -32 -68 -7 -68  
Net Financing Cash Flow 150 396 18 -120 -371  
Free Cash Flow 396 396 396 396 396  
ROA (%) 14.34 1.30 -5.19 22.36 27.27  
ROE (%) 47.31 3.89 -19.42 71.80 56.05  
EPS (Yen) 18.9 2.4 -11.1 57.2 83.7 80.0
BPS (Yen) 61.0 63.3 51.3 107.9 188.7  
Dividend per Share (Yen) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.50 16.00
Shares Outstanding (Million shrs) 7.05 7.06 7.17 7.23 7.27  

Source: Omega Investment from company data, rounded to the nearest whole number.


Share price


Quarterly topics

Performance trends

Source: Omega Investment from company materials

Source: Omega Investment from company materials

Performance trends

Source: Omega Investment from company materials

New Graduate Events Business Order trends

Source: Omega Investment from company materials

New Graduate Placement Support Business KPIs for the current year

Source: Omega Investment from company materials

Source: Omega Investment from company materials

New Graduate Placement Support Business KPIs for the current year

Source: Omega Investment from company materials

Source: Omega Investment from company materials

New Graduate Placement Support Business KPIs for the next fiscal year

Source: Omega Investment from company materials

Source: Omega Investment from company materials

Graduate Placement Support Business KPIs

Source: Omega Investment from company materials

Source: Omega Investment from company materials

Source: Omega Investment from company materials

Financial data (quarterly basis)

Unit: million yen 2022/12 2023/12 2024/12
  2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q
(Income Statement)                  
Sales 862 610 620 919 971 698 829 1,102 953
Year-on-year 47.1% 21.8% 27.4% 18.7% 12.7% 14.6% 33.8% 19.9% -1.9%
Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) 33 19 52 70 32 23 60 74 28
Gross Income 830 591 568 850 940 675 769 1,029 925
Gross Income Margin 96.2% 96.9% 91.6% 92.4% 96.7% 96.7% 92.8% 93.3% 97.1%
SG&A Expense 528 521 535 534 627 590 613 626 759
EBIT (Operating Income) 302 70 33 316 313 85 156 403 166
Year-on-year 826.5% -361.0% -152.9% 35.5% 3.7% 22.0% 377.3% 27.7% -46.9%
Operating Income Margin 35.0% 11.4% 5.3% 34.3% 32.2% 12.2% 18.9% 36.5% 17.4%
EBITDA 306 74 37 320 318 90 162 409 172
Pretax Income 302 69 32 315 313 85 157 402 166
Consolidated Net Income 196 45 23 206 202 53 147 258 105
Minority Interest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Net Income ATOP 196 45 23 206 202 53 147 258 105
Year-on-year 823.6% -161.4% -155.1% 38.3% 3.4% 17.7% 544.6% 25.7% -47.9%
Net Income Margin 22.7% 7.4% 3.7% 22.4% 20.8% 7.6% 17.8% 23.4% 11.1%
(Balance Sheet)                  
Cash & Short-Term Investments 1,304 1,509 1,458 1,146 1,462 1,519 1,467 1,600 1,807
Total assets 1,986 2,146 2,136 1,919 2,214 2,257 2,323 2,464 2,598
Total Debt 644 669 630 373 329 284 259 234 209
Net Debt -660 -840 -828 -773 -1,133 -1,235 -1,208 -1,365 -1,598
Total liabilities 1,273 1,388 1,356 932 1,025 1,015 934 938 966
Total Shareholders’ Equity 712 758 781 986 1,189 1,242 1,389 1,527 1,632
(Profitability %)                  
ROA 13.26 18.36 22.36 25.84 22.66 21.98 27.27 30.16 23.45
ROE 38.41 59.64 71.80 62.45 50.06 48.40 56.05 52.61 40.00
(Per-share) Unit: JPY                  
EPS 27.2 6.2 3.2 28.4 27.9 7.3 20.2 35.1 14.3
BPS 98.9 104.8 107.9 135.9 163.8 170.8 188.7 207.4 221.2
Dividend per Share 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.50 16.50 16.50
Shares Outstanding (million shrs) 7.19 7.23 7.23 7.24 7.26 7.27 7.27 7.36 7.38

Financial data (full-year basis)

Unit: million yen 2019/12 2020/12 2021/12 2022/12 2023/12
(Income Statement)          
Sales 1,918 1,883 2,130 2,866 3,418
Year-on-year 26.5% -1.8% 13.1% 34.5% 19.3%
Cost of Goods Sold 111 130 151 159 184
Gross Income 1,807 1,754 1,979 2,707 3,234
Gross Income Margin 94.2% 93.1% 92.9% 94.4% 94.6%
SG&A Expense 1,613 1,737 2,011 2,070 2,364
EBIT (Operating Income) 194 16 -32 637 870
Year-on-year 52.4% -91.7% -300.2% -2061.9% 36.5%
Operating Income Margin 10.1% 0.9% -1.5% 22.2% 25.4%
EBITDA 212 36 -6 654 890
Pretax Income 192 32 -81 634 869
Consolidated Net Income 133 17 -79 412 608
Minority Interest 0 0 0 0 0
Net Income ATOP 133 17 -79 412 608
Year-on-year 82.6% -87.2% -564.0% -621.0% 47.5%
Net Income Margin 6.9% 0.9% -3.7% 14.4% 17.8%
(Balance Sheet)          
Cash & Short-Term Investments 696 972 976 1,458 1,467
Total assets 1,114 1,501 1,551 2,136 2,323
Total Debt 334 731 749 630 259
Net Debt -362 -241 -226 -828 -1,208
Total liabilities 684 1,054 1,183 1,356 934
Total Shareholders’ Equity 430 447 368 781 1,389
(Cash Flow)          
Net Operating Cash Flow 198 -89 54 610 449
Capital Expenditure 5 12 51 3 53
Net Investing Cash Flow -25 -32 -68 -7 -68
Net Financing Cash Flow 150 396 18 -120 -371
Free Cash Flow 194 -100 3 606 396
(Profitability %)          
ROA 14.34 1.30 -5.19 22.36 27.27
ROE 47.31 3.89 -19.42 71.80 56.05
(Per-share) Unit: JPY          
EPS 18.9 2.4 -11.1 57.2 83.7
BPS 61.0 63.3 51.3 107.9 188.7
Dividend per Share 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.50
Shares Outstanding (million shrs) 7.05 7.06 7.17 7.23 7.27

Source: Omega Investment from company materials